If you’re considering relocating to Austin, we always encourage you to visit at least once before you have to find a house. The first trip is to find out if you could see yourself living in Austin and to narrow down the area of town you prefer to be. This way, when you go back home, you’ll be able to scout homes more effectively in neighborhoods you like and ignore neighborhoods you don’t. If you’re thinking of making your first trip to Austin, you probably have the same question most have asked us. When is the best time to visit Austin? The answer is – that depends.
Best Time to Visit Austin Depends on Your Purpose for Visiting
We would recommend different times of year depending on what the purpose of the trip is. Are you visiting Austin to consider moving there or are you visiting Austin to vacation?
When Not to Visit Austin if You Want to Vacation
If you’re coming to Austin just to check out the city and have no plans to move, avoid August and early September. It can be hot and most people who don’t have to be outside, aren’t. January can be cold with ice storms occasionally, so if you want to do something outside, avoid January. If you hate mobs of people and don’t want to have to avoid Downtown Austin, stay away from our big festivals SXSW (~10 days early March of every year) and ACL (two weekends in October). The city is flooded with tourists during festival weeks.
Best Time to Visit Austin on Vacation
The majority of the year is quite nice weather wise. From March through June and October (sometimes November too) we get pretty temperate, sunny weather. It’s not too hot and though we get rain all year round, we get more sunny days during these months than rainy/cloudy days.

Best Time to Visit Austin When Considering Relocating
The only thing that makes this different from our recommendation for vacationers is if you are considering moving to Austin and you are concerned about the heat. We often get calls from people who are thinking of relocating but are afraid Austin is too hot. They look at weather.com in August and see 98 degrees, remember their vacation to Florida last year when it was 89 and how they started to sweat as soon as they stepped out of the car. Immediately they either decide Austin is a no-go, or they freak out that their spouse still wants to move to Austin and they can’t take the heat. If that sounds like something you’ve recently experienced, visit Austin in August. Prove to yourself that what we are about to tell you is true.
It’s Really Not THAT Hot – Promise!
Austin does get hot, but it is nothing compared to the heat I’ve experienced in Florida or the South or even Houston. Chris is from Atlanta and I lived in Atlanta when I went to Georgia Tech. 86 degrees is pretty hot in Atlanta and just plain sweltering in Florida. It is so humid, you sweat as soon as you walk outside, even if that’s only to walk from the house to the car. Not in Austin. Though Austin’s heat isn’t as dry as Arizona, it is also not nearly as hot. Up until about 96 you can wear jeans and a short sleeve shirt comfortably. And, you only start sweating if you are out in direct sun for a while. Even my mom, who is very sensitive to heat and hates using A/C in the house, will admit it does not feel as hot as the temperature gauge says in Austin. And trust me, if she could complain about it, she would. Even with that said, it might be best to check out some vacation rentals portland or seattle that time of year.
Concerned Austin is Too Hot? Visit in August
All that being said, if you are at all concerned about the heat, visit Austin during August and experience it. This way you can determine once and for all if you can live in Austin during the Summer months. One caveat… you can’t go to Houston or San Antonio and say you have experienced Austin heat. Both cities are way more humid than Austin and feel extremely hot in comparison. Visit Austin and do things locals do. Then decide.
Considering Relocating to Austin?
Having relocated to Austin ourselves and having helped many families do the same, we know how to navigate the relocation process. We also know the city better than 99% of lifelong Austin residents. Even if you have no idea where you want to live, we can help you pinpoint the best areas, based on what you like and your price point.
Want more relocation tips? Visit our Guide to Relocating to Austin and our Austin Relocation Blog. For more info about our team of experienced buyer’s agents, check out our Austin Home Buyers section. Ready to reach out to an Austin relocation specialist? Call (512) 827-8323, email us at info@11OaksRealty.com or fill out our Relocation Survey and we’ll schedule a no obligation consultation. Remember, hiring an Eleven Oaks Realty to represent you when relocating to Austin and buying a home costs you nothing. Our fee is paid by the seller!
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