Becker Elementary School in South Austin’s 78704 zip code and has earned Great School’s rating, 8/10 as of January 2025. Located in the heart of 78704’s Bouldin Creek neighborhood, parents seem to be very satisfied with the quality of education their children get there, despite its low rating.
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Where is Becker Elementary School Austin?
Becker Elementary School is located at: 906 West Milton St |
Neighborhoods Near Becker Elementary School
The majority of students that attend Becker Elementary School live in South Austin’s Bouldin Creek Neighborhood. Residents choose Bouldin for its mature landscaping, walking distance to shops and restaurants and proximity to Downtown. For more information about Bouldin, visit our Bouldin Creek Neighborhood Guide.
Looking for a Home Near Becker Elementary?
We can help you find what you’re looking for, while saving you time and money in the process. As residents of 78704, we know the area and inventory. Call us at (512) 827-8323 or email us at info@11OaksRealty.com to set up a free, no obligation consultation. This will help us determine what you’re looking for and help you determine if we’re a good match for your home search.
Before you call, check out our Home Buyer Representation Program to see how we’re different.