Summitt Elementary School serves kids in grades Pre-K through 5th and is located Northwest Austin’s 78727 zip code. Summitt Elementary School has earned Great School’s rating, 8/10 as of January 2025, making it one of the Austin ISD’s sought after schools. Scroll Down to Read More About Homes Near Summitt Elementary School.
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Though you can bookmark this page and check back everyday to see what homes have been listed for sale near Summitt Elementary School, that’s really time consuming and mind numbing. So, we’ve made it easy for you to be alerted when a home is listed.
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Where is Summitt Elementary School?
Summitt Elementary is located at: 12207 Brigadoon Ln. |
Neighborhoods Near Summitt Elementary School
Children that attend Summitt Elementary School will primarily live in the following neighborhoods:
- Arrowwood
- Enchanted Forest
- Milwood
- Northwood
- Preston Oaks
- Scofield Farms
- Tomanent Estates
- Walnut Crossing
Looking for a Home Near Summitt Elementary?
We can help save you time and money! We know the area well and can help you navigate the market. If you’re ready to get started on your home search, or just have some questions, call us at (512) 827-8323 or email us at to set up a no obligation consultation.
Learn more about who we are and how we work at our Austin Home Buyer Representation page.