Sierra West is one of Driftwood’s southern most neighborhoods and residents relate more to Wimberley than they do Driftwood or Dripping Springs. Homes in Sierra West sit on minimum 1.5 acres and were built in the 2000s. Served by highly rated Wimberley ISD schools, Sierra West attracts those looking for a neighborhood with good schools. Scroll Down to Read our Sierra West Neighborhood Guide.
Sierra West Homes for Sale
Where is Sierra West?
Sierra West is located just north of the FM 150 and Old Kyle Road (RR 3237) intersection. The neighborhood can be accessed from FM 150 from Moss Rose Lane or Yorks Crossing. Explore other Driftwood neighborhoods in our Driftwood Neighborhood Guide.
Sierra West Zip Code
Sierra West is located in Driftwood’s 78619 zip code.
Sierra West Homes
Homes in Driftwood’s Sierra West neighborhood sit on 1 ½ – 2 acre lots, some backing to York Creek. Inside you’ll find many Sierra West homes with stained concrete floors, game rooms, media rooms, master bedrooms suites, open floor plans and gourmet kitchens with granite counters. Outside, you’ll find covered wrap around porches, Texas Hill Country views, underground utilities with high speed internet available and some with pools and/or guest houses.
Sierra West homes were built between 2001 and 2008 and range in size from 3-5 bedrooms, 2-4 bathrooms, 2-3 car garages and 2,000-3,800 sq ft.
Sierra West Property Tax Rate
The property tax rate in Driftwood’s Sierra West neighborhood is 1.4031% as of the 2023 tax year, down from 1.5897% as of the 2022 tax year. The property tax rate was 1.6909% as of the 2021 tax year.
Sierra West Schools
Children who live in Driftwood’s Sierra West neighborhood are served by the Wimberly ISD and will likely attend the following schools:
- Jacobs Well Elementary - 5/10
- Danforth Junior High - 8/10
- Wimberley High - 7/10
School ratings reflect Great Schools ratings as of January 2025. Ratings are subject to change at any time. Please verify ratings and boundaries with the school district.
Sierra West Sold Data – What Sierra West Homes Actually Sold For
What sold recently in Sierra West and for how much? Where can I find pictures of homes that actually sold? How many days does it take to sell a home in Sierra West? How many homes are currently for sale in Sierra West? What’s the median sold price in Sierra West? What does the 90 day historic market trend look like in Sierra West? How’s the Sierra West market trending?
All of these questions (and more!) can be answered on our Sierra West Sold Data Report.
Golf Near Sierra West
There are two golf courses that are about 7 miles away. The first, Quicksand at Woodcreek Golf Course meanders through a housing development. With unique holes at affordable prices, this one is a favorite. To change it up a bit, head to the Plum Creek Golf Club in Kyle. Often described as the best course around for the price, you won’t find the state of the art clubhouse or the perfectly maintained course, but you will get challenging golf at an affordable price. If you’re looking for something a bit more upscale, try either the Grey Rock Golf Course off Highway 45 in Southwest Austin or Onion Creek Golf Club off Highway 35 in South Austin. Scroll down to continue reading our Sierra West neighborhood guide.
Sierra West Photos

Things to Do Near Sierra West
If you’re looking for something close to home, check out Sierra West’s neighborhood park. If it’s Saturday morning, head down to Wimberly for their Wimberly Lions Market Days, Texas’ second largest and oldest outdoor market in the state. Its open the 1st Saturday of each month from March – December and is open from 7am-4pm. You can also check out the Bella Vista Ranch in Wimberly for wine tasting and a tour of the olive orchards. This is a great place to pick up some Texas olive oil. The Tasting Room and Gift Shop is open Thursday – Sunday (check for more info) and is by appointment Monday – Wednesday.
Places to Eat Near Sierra West
For breakfast, the Hays City Cafe serves great brisket burritos and is less than a half a mile from Sierra West. For something a bit more fancy, try Trattoria Lisina where you’ll get a great ambiance and great Italian food. When guests are in town, take them over to the Duchman Family Winery in Driftwood or to Salt Lick Barbecue, also in Driftwood. Both are great places to eat and show out of town guests.
Shopping Near Sierra West
The closest shopping can be found just about 8 miles away in Kyle where you’ll find an H-E-B and Center Food Market. For Walmart, you’ll find one about 10 miles from Sierra West in Buda. If you’re looking for outlet mall shopping, head to San Marcos.
Where to Work Out – Gyms Near Sierra West
The closest gyms can be found 6-7 miles away in Wimberley. There you’ll find a Curves, The Wimberley Athletic Club, an Anytime Fitness and The Wimberley Fitness Company. You can also jog around the neighborhood. With the rolling hills, you’ll be sure to get a great workout. And, even though there aren’t sidewalks, its not a high traffic neighborhood so you won’t have to worry about dodging tons of cars.
Thanks for reading our Sierra West neighborhood guide.
Driftwood Realtor Specializing in Sierra West

Rebecca Jacks and Raymond Stoklosa are Driftwood Realtors specializing in Sierra West homes. Whether you’re looking to buy or sell a home in Sierra West, Rebecca and Raymond know the area well and have the experience and tools necessary to make your next real estate transaction stress free. For more info about who we are and how we work, check out Buying a Home in Sierra West and Selling a Home in Sierra West.