If you’re looking for a luxury acreage neighborhood in Dripping Springs and your idea of acreage is more around 10 acres, Heather Hills is where you want to start your search. Homes were built in the 2000s to early 2010s so they are new enough to have more contemporary floor plans but established enough to have mature trees, outdoor living areas, fences and pools. The neighborhood is small, with only about 15 homes on one street. That being said, with 10 acre lots, you won’t really feel like you’re in a traditional neighborhood as you won’t see too many other homes from your property. With such large parcels, some residents have built homes over 7,500 square feet with 7 garages with the average being around 4,000 square feet. And, with no HOA, if you want to add other structures, you won’t have to get approval from an HOA so if you’ll have more freedom to use your property as you see fit. Scroll down to read our Heather Hills neighborhood guide.
Heather Hills Homes for Sale
Heather Hills Neighborhood Map
Heather Hills is located off Fitzhugh Road. To get to Heather Hills, take 290 to RR 12 and head north. Make a left on Fitzhugh Road. Make a left on Heather Hills Drive. Heather Hills is shaded on the interactive map below. Make a Explore other Dripping Springs neighborhoods in our Dripping Springs Neighborhood Guide. Scroll down to continue reading our Heather Hills neighborhood guide.
Heather Hills Property Tax Rate
The property tax rate in Dripping Springs’ Heather Hills neighborhood is 1.51% as of the 2023 tax year, down from 1.7056% as of the 2022 tax year.
Heather Hills Schools
Kids who live in Dripping Springs’ Heather Hills neighborhood are served by the Dripping Springs ISD and will likely attend the following schools:
Dripping Springs Realtor Specializing in Heather Hills

Rebecca Jacks and Raymond Stoklosa are Dripping Springs Realtors specializing in Heather Hills homes. Whether you’re looking to buy or sell a home in Heather Hills, Rebecca and Raymond know the area well and have the experience and tools necessary to make your next real estate transaction stress free. For more info about who we are and how we work, check out Buying a Home in Heather Hills and Selling a Home in Heather Hills.