78726 is a small Northwest Austin zip code located off 620. 78726 is an ideal location for someone looking for a suburban setting not too far from 2222. The most popular and well known neighborhood in 78726 is Canyon Creek, but that’s not the only one. The spreadsheet below shows all the neighborhoods in 78726 as well as a link to each Austin neighborhood guide.
Mapped: 78726 Neighborhoods
How Long Does it Take to Get Downtown from 78726?
Here is a real time map for how long it takes to get Downtown from 78726.
How Long Does It Take to Get to the Airport from 78726?
Here is a real time map for how long it takes to get to the airport from 78726.
78726 Neighborhoods
Below you’ll find an alphabetical list of 78726 neighborhoods with school districts, pricing, years built and home and lot size ranges you can expect in each.
Anderson Mill Estates

School District: Round Rock ISD
Elementary School: Spicewood (9/10)
Middle School: Canyon Vista (9/10)
High School: Westwood (9/10)
Price Range: Mid $800k’s – $1.4MM’s
Average Price: Not Enough Data to Calculate
Median Price: Not Enough Data to Calculate
Year Built: 1975-1992
Square Footage: 1,950-3,800
Lot Size (Acres): 0.7-1.4
For more info and to search homes for sale, visit our Anderson Mill Estates Neighborhood Guide.
Anderson Mill Estates Neighborhood Map
Anderson Mill Estates Homes for Sale
Canyon Creek

School District: Round Rock ISD or Leander ISD
Elementary School: Canyon Creek (10/10) or Grandview Hills (4/10)
Middle School: Grisham (6/10) or Four Points (7/10)
High School: Westwood (9/10) or Vandegrift (8/10)
Price Range: Mid $400k’s – $1.3MM’s
Average Price: $825,810
Median Price: $800,000
Year Built: 1988-2006
Square Footage: 1,650-4,600
Lot Size (Acres): 0.13-0.46
For more info and to search homes for sale, visit our Canyon Creek Neighborhood Guide.
Canyon Creek Neighborhood Map
Canyon Creek Homes for Sale
Estates of Brentwood

School District: Round Rock ISD
Elementary School: Spicewood (9/10)
Middle School: Canyon Vista (9/10)
High School: Westwood (9/10)
Price Range: Low $800k’s – High $800k’s
Average Price: $823,333
Median Price: $820,000
Year Built: 1997-1999
Square Footage: 2,000-3,500
Lot Size (Acres): 0.2-0.36
For more info and to search homes for sale, visit our Estates of Brentwood Neighborhood Guide.
Estates of Brentwood Neighborhood Map
Estates of Brentwood Homes for Sale
Grandview Hills

School District: Leander ISD
Elementary School: Grandview Hills (4/10)
Middle School: Four Points (7/10)
High School: Vandegrift (8/10)
Price Range: Low $700k’s – $2.1MM’s
Average Price: $1,227,500
Median Price: $855,000
Year Built: 1989-2007
Square Footage: 2,700-5,200
Lot Size (Acres): 0.16-1
For more info and to search homes for sale, visit our Grandview Hills Neighborhood Guide.
Grandview Hills Neighborhood Map
Grandview Hills Homes for Sale
Laurel Canyon

School District: Round Rock ISD
Elementary School: Spicewood (9/10)
Middle School: Canyon Vista (9/10)
High School: Westwood (9/10)
Price Range: $1.35MM’s – $2.5MM
Average Price: $1,825,000
Median Price: $1,825,000
Year Built: 1997-2002
Square Footage: 3,000-11,500
Lot Size (Acres): 0.6-2
For more info and to search homes for sale, visit our Laurel Canyon Neighborhood Guide.
Laurel Canyon Neighborhood Map
Laurel Canyon Homes for Sale

School District: Leander ISD
Elementary School: Grandview Hills (4/10)
Middle School: Four Points (7/10)
High School: Vandegrift (8/10)
Price Range: Low $700k’s – $1.1MM’s
Average Price: $815,471
Median Price: $765,000
Year Built: 2016-2018
Square Footage: 2,100-3,300
Lot Size (Acres): 0.13-0.2
For more info and to search homes for sale, visit our Montebello Neighborhood Guide.
Montebello Neighborhood Map
Montebello Homes for Sale

School District: Leander ISD
Elementary School: Grandview Hills (4/10)
Middle School: Four Points (7/10)
High School: Vandegrift (8/10)
Price Range: Mid $500k’s – $1.425MM’s
Average Price: $822,898
Median Price: $686,100
Year Built: 1988-2003
Square Footage: 1,861-4,567
Lot Size (Acres): 0.15-0.4
For more info and to search homes for sale, visit our Parke Neighborhood Guide.
Parke Neighborhood Map
Parke Homes for Sale
Preserve at Four Points

School District: Leander ISD
Elementary School: River Place (7/10)
Middle School: Four Points (7/10)
High School: Vandegrift (8/10)
Price Range: Mid $600k’s – $1.2MM’s
Average Price: $900,300
Median Price: $902,500
Year Built: 2014-2016
Square Footage: 1,828-3,189
Lot Size (Acres): 0.2-0.3
For more info and to search homes for sale, visit our Preserve at Four Points Neighborhood Guide.
Preserve at Four Points Neighborhood Map
Preserve at Four Points Homes for Sale
Versante Canyon

School District: Leander ISD
Elementary School: Grandview Hills (4/10)
Middle School: Four Points (7/10)
High School: Vandegrift (8/10)
Price Range: High $600k’s – Mid $700k’s
Average Price: $703,667
Median Price: $702,000
Year Built: 2009-2014
Square Footage: 1,691-3,141
Lot Size (Acres): 0.25
For more info and to search homes for sale, visit our Versante Canyon Neighborhood Guide.
Versante Canyon Neighborhood Map
Versante Canyon Homes for Sale
Average price and size information is from ACTRIS MLS Data 08/01/2021-07/31/2022. School ratings are GreatSchools ratings as of January 2025.
Why Choose a 78726 Neighborhood?
People choose 78726 because of its proximity to 620, 2222 and Anderson Mill Road as well as the convenience to shopping, restaurants and schools. 78726 is an ideal choice if you like the location of Steiner Ranch but don’t like its size. 78726 neighborhoods are large enough to not feel small, but small enough to not be overwhelming.
How are the Schools in 78726?
Kids who live in 78726 are served by either the Leander ISD or the Round Rock ISD. Both school districts have an exceptional reputation.
Leander ISD Schools in 78726
- Grandview Hills Elementary – 4/10
- Four Points Middle – 7/10
- Vandergrift High – 8/10
Round Rock ISD Schools in 78726
- Canyon Creek Elementary – 10/10
- Grisham Middle – 6/10
- Westwood High –9/10
School ratings are from GreatSchools.org as of January 2025. Ratings are subject to change at any time and without warning. Please verify ratings and boundaries with the school district.
Looking for a Home in a 78726 Neighborhood?
If you’re looking for a home in a 78726 neighborhood and need someone who will explain the market to you, negotiate a great deal on a home, guide you through the process and point out potential resale difficulties, we can help! Check out our Austin Home Buyer Representation Program to learn more about how we’re different. Then call us at (512) 827-8323 or email us at info@11OaksRealty.com to schedule a no obligation consultation.
78726 Homes for Sale

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