Stinson Oaks is a new neighborhood built by Milestone Communities. Located at 7709 Manchaca Road just south of William Cannon and north of Slaughter Lane, Stinson Oaks is ideal for someone looking for new construction in a “close in” location. Homes will have a Tuscan flair and will be low maintenance – which means the HOA takes care of outdoor spaces. The community will have a park and pond area for residents to enjoy the outdoors. Inside, you can expect 3-4 bedrooms with a more luxury finish out (granite, tile garden tubs, high ceilings). In total, there are 8 floorplans that include both 1 and 2 story options. Scroll Down to Read our Stinson Oaks Neighborhood Guide.
Stinson Oaks Homes for Sale
Stinson Oaks Neighborhood Map
Stinson Oaks is located just south of Manchaca Rd and William Cannon. The address to the complex is 7709 Manchaca Road and can be accessed just south of William Cannon. Stinson Oaks is shaded in brown on the map below. Explore other Southwest Austin neighborhoods in our Southwest Austin Neighborhood Guide.
Stinson Oaks Property Tax Rate
The property tax rate in Southwest Austin’s Stinson Oaks neighborhood is 1.8092% as of the 2023 tax year, down from 1.9749% as of the 2022 tax year. The property tax rate was 2.1767% as of the 2021 tax year.
Stinson Oaks Schools
Kids who live in Southwest Austin’s Stinson Oaks neighborhood are served by the Austin ISD and will likely attend the following schools:
- Cunningham Elementary - 5/10
- Covington Middle - 5/10
- Crockett High - 4/10
School ratings reflect Great Schools ratings as of January 2025. Ratings are subject to change at any time. Please verify ratings and boundaries with the school district.
Stinson Oaks Sold Data – What Stinson Oaks Homes Actually Sold For
What sold recently in Stinson Oaks and for how much? Where can I find pictures of homes that actually sold? How many days does it take to sell a home in Stinson Oaks? How many homes are currently for sale in Stinson Oaks? What’s the median sold price in Stinson Oaks? What does the 90 day historic market trend look like in Stinson Oaks? How’s the Stinson Oaks market trending?
All of these questions (and more!) can be answered on our Stinson Oaks Sold Data Report.
Southwest Austin Realtor Specializing in Stinson Oaks Homes

Rebecca Jacks and Raymond Stoklosa are Southwest Austin Realtors specializing in Stinson Oaks homes. Whether you’re looking to buy or sell a home in Stinson Oaks, Rebecca and Raymond know the area well and have the experience and tools necessary to make your next real estate transaction stress free. For more info about who we are and how we work, check out Buying a Home in Stinson Oaks and Selling a Home in Stinson Oaks.