With long hours at work, family commitments and everything else that demands your time, it is understandable that you might want to eliminate as many additional time commitments as possible. The home buying process in itself is a considerable time soak. After you’ve devoted time to finding the right house and getting your offer accepted, […]
Austin Home Buyer Mistakes Blog

Considering buying a home in Austin? Want to learn all of the mistakes so you don't make them? Find out the biggest buyer mistakes on our Austin Home Buyer Mistakes Blog.
Don't miss our Austin Home Buyer section, our Austin Buyer Beware Blog and our Frequent Buyer Questions Blog for more insider home buying tips!
5 Most Expensive First Time Home Buyer Mistakes
Let’s agree, buying a home can be emotional, unnerving and bewilderingly complex; avoiding the most expensive first time home buyer mistakes will make it less so. Here you’ll find the five most expensive mistakes Austin first time home buyers make and some tips for how to avoid making them in your home search. Mistake #1: […]
8 Things Home Buyers Should Notice But Don’t
There are certain things that will greatly affect how you live in a home. The ironic thing is most Austin home buyers never think to investigate or even notice the things that will most affect them. To help you think through your next purchase, here are the 8 things home buyers should notice but don’t. […]
Every Home Buyer Regrets Doing These 10 Things During their Home Search
Recently, we revealed what 80% of home buyers regret and how you can avoid buyer’s remorse. Today we’re going to talk about 10 things buyers do during their home search that they end up regretting. If you made any of these mistakes when you bought your first house, you most certainly won’t be repeating them. […]
Do’s and Don’ts of Buying New Construction
New construction is one of those segments of the market that is very enticing for most people. Brand new, never lived in homes that you can design to your tastes are not something you can get in all parts of the country. So, when people relocate to a city where new construction is an option, […]
7 Biggest Negotiating Mistakes Buyers Make
Negotiating the purchase of a home is much different than most other forms of negotiation. Negotiating business deals and employment contracts, but those types of situations lack a very important component that is found in most real estate transactions – pride of ownership. Every seller is proud of their home and every seller thinks their […]
4 Golden Rules of Home Buying
Over the years, I’ve discovered that some of the best advice about home buying can be summarized in these four golden rules of home buying. #1 It’s Almost Always a Mistake to #2 Remember #3 Before you Buy, Ask Yourself #4 Financial Unpreparedness is a Deal Killer Follow These 4 Simple Rules for Success Home […]
Why Our Buyer Clients Never Experience Buyer’s Remorse
Buyer’s remorse is a nasty condition and one that nearly 80% of buyers experience. If you’ve been there, you know it poisons almost everything about the house you thought you loved. The good news is buyer’s remorse can be avoided (and is with 99% of our buyer clients) with the right preparation and consideration. What […]
What 80% of Home Buyers Regret and How You Can Avoid Buyer’s Remorse
HSH.com did a survey of 2,000 home buyers over the age of 25 who recently purchased a home and found a staggering 80% were dissatisfied with their home! This number came as a shock to us, as 98% (or more) of our buyer clients are super happy with their homes, even years after their purchase. […]